Before I conceived of and launched Realty ONE Group, now 20 years ago, I immersed myself in the local REATLOR® community to connect with these outstanding professionals on a deeper level. I intentionally listened more than I spoke, hoping to learn and understand the things that caused them pain, their daily mindset – a key factor in any agents’ success – and the dreams that were driving them to take on this incredibly challenging job.
As a result of what I learned, I shaped Realty ONE Group’s core values that are still the same today – everyONE matters and everyONE has a voice and together, we can shape the future as ONE. 💛🖤
I’m not a huge fan of scary movies but I recently was able to draw a parallel between them and the business we’re in today.
So many people wait in fear of the Boogeyman – the next market downturn, the next pandemic, the next shoe to drop. In the real estate business it’s low inventory, higher interest rates for the long-term, iBuyers, supply scarcity that stunts housing starts and the list goes on. You could spend your life haunted, waiting for the next boogeyman to jump-scare you around the corner, all the while building a mountain of excuses for not doing, working or succeeding now.
Instead, we have to remind ourselves that we’re REALTORS®, self-driven, fiercely competitive, ever-resilient entrepreneurs. And, especially at Realty ONE Group, we’re surround by a network of support, never alone and never forced to go it by ourselves.
WE believe in you because you believe in yourself. You will never be alone when you’re part of our #ONE Family.
Yep, it’s everywhere. The opportunity to grow your real estate business this year is here and now.
Real estate has been out of fashion for the past three years. In 2023, our industry closed less transactions than in 2008, the height of the global recession. Last year, our industry closed less transactions than in ’23. Stop looking for the boogeyman. The cycle is turning. Are you ready?
Are you planning to capture new momentum? Are you positioning yourself to win big? Are you going to be a part of it? Because once it hits, there will be no catching up.
I encourage you to lean into our best-of-the-best coaching, upgraded technology, differentiating marketing and everything we’ve packaged up to support your success and achieve greater success faster.
Bookmark the NEW ONE Calendar, plan your year and talk to any of our ONE coaches today!

Kuba Jewgieniew is the CEO And Founder of Realty ONE Group, one of the fastest growing franchisors in the industry. He started Realty ONE Group in 2005 with a 100%-commission model and an emphasis on innovation, disruption and fun. He’s won numerous awards and has been recognized for his innovative thinking and leadership. And, with a dynamic leadership team and leagues of committed followers, Realty ONE Group plans to open offices around the world, bettering communities and lives everywhere, leaving a legacy for generations.