What’s “normal” anymore? It might be wise to strike that word from our vocabulary altogether.
And for housing, the last two years were anything but ‘normal.’ I believe things will change, steady, and level off in a positive way.
In a good, reasonable market, more than five million homes are sold. In a great market (2021 for example), that number jumps to six million homes sold. And in a less than fair market (2008 and for several years after), we sink to four million homes selling. But if you think of it in terms of real estate professionals who are typically involved in two sides to a transaction (a buy and a sell for each house), that’s still eight million transaction sides. That’s a lot of deals happening.
In between these periods where sales spike up or down, there’s a short period of market pause. During this time, we tend to see both buyers and sellers sitting on the sidelines, cautiously waiting for the market’s next move.
For REALTORS®, I think there’s power in the pause. Use this moment to reflect. Determine what to stop doing, what to start doing and what to do even more of. Don’t get complacent. Don’t get stuck in the drift, like a lazy river. Let that fire inside your entrepreneurial belly lead you to bigger and better!
For our Realty ONE Group pros, I know you will be all-in, committed and focused. Lean into our leadership and business coaching at ONE University (ONE.U), continuing to educate yourself and advance your career. We’re your trusted tribe! You’re never alone because this is a team sport, not an individual sport.
Make the choice to lean into your success, lean into your future, lean into your legacy. I hope this helps motivate you because truly, anything is possible when YOU are passionate about your clear purpose and YOU LIVE YOUR DREAM! That’s when everything becomes possible and you enjoy your life beyond all expectations.

Kuba Jewgieniew is the CEO And Founder of Realty ONE Group, one of the fastest growing franchisors in the industry. He started Realty ONE Group in 2005 with a 100%-commission model and an emphasis on innovation, disruption and fun. He’s won numerous awards and has been recognized for his innovative thinking and leadership. And, with a dynamic leadership team and leagues of committed followers, Realty ONE Group plans to open offices around the world, bettering communities and lives everywhere, leaving a legacy for generations.